- to market papers
- покупать или продавать ценные бумаги
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
Market Intelligence — (often contracted to MARKINT) is a relatively new intelligence discipline that exploits open source information gathered from global markets. It relies solely on publicly available information such as market prices and ancillary economic and… … Wikipedia
Market for loyalties theory — is a media theory based upon neoclassical economics. It describes why governments and power holders monopolize radio, satellite, internet and other media through censorship using regulations, technology and other controls. It has also been used… … Wikipedia
market penetration — UK US noun [U] COMMERCE, MARKETING ► the degree to which a product or brand is bought, used, or known by a particular group of customers: enhance/gain/increase market penetration »We gained market penetration but it remains very low at 0.56%.… … Financial and business terms
Market reduction approach — In 1796, the London magistrate Patrick Colquhoun[1] observed that It rarely happens that thieves go upon the highway, or commit burglaries, until the money they have previously acquired is exhausted, and that ...without a safe and ready market he … Wikipedia
Market implied — Grundidee der anleihespreadbasierten Insolvenzprognoseverfahren ist es, anhand der Zinsaufschläge (Credit Spread), die ein Unternehmen im Vergleich zu „risikolosen Verbindlichkeiten“ für seine kapitalmarktgehandelten Anleihen zahlen muss, auf die … Deutsch Wikipedia
Market implied rating — Grundidee der anleihespreadbasierten Insolvenzprognoseverfahren ist es, anhand der Zinsaufschläge (Credit Spread), die ein Unternehmen im Vergleich zu „risikolosen Verbindlichkeiten“ für seine kapitalmarktgehandelten Anleihen zahlen muss, auf die … Deutsch Wikipedia
Market participant — The term market participant is used in United States constitutional law to describe a U.S. State which is acting as a producer or supplier of a marketable good or service. When a state is acting in such a role, it may permissibly discriminate… … Wikipedia
Two-sided market — Two sided markets, also called two sided networks, are economic networks having two distinct user groups that provide each other with network benefits. Example markets include credit cards, comprised of cardholders and merchants; HMOs (patients… … Wikipedia
Middle-market newspaper — A middle market newspaper is one that attempts to cater to readers who want some entertainment value from their newspaper as well as sufficient coverage of significant news events. Middle market status is the halfway point of a three level… … Wikipedia
History of Australian Market Research — Market Research had its origins in social survey research in the United Kingdom. Some people consider the Domesday Book was the first bit of systematic research it may have been the first census but it was not a sample survey. Social sample… … Wikipedia
Free market — A free market is a market in which property rights are voluntarily exchanged at a price arranged completely by the mutual consent of sellers and buyers. In a free market, individuals, rather than government, make the majority of decisions… … Wikipedia